general services


We provide Individual (Children and Adults), Couples, Family, and Group counseling services —depression, stress/anxiety, grief, major life changes, relationship struggles are just some of the things that may at times complicate life. It may feel like there is no way out, but we can help you navigate your way into a more peaceful existence with yourself and others.
**We offer a play area so that parents have an option of bringing children to counseling sessions instead of trying to secure outside care. This service must be requested before arrival if supervision is required. (Additional fee may apply)

educational workshops and classes

Our educational workshops are all designed to address issues that affect relationships, specifically to target bad behaviors and habits with the intent to teach, model, and instill more effective, healthy skills. Our workshop themes are: Marriage Education/Relationship Education (pre-marital, marriage enrichment, and conflicted relationships), parenting, parenting through dissolution (Co-parenting), and conflict management and resolution. The goal of our classes and workshops is the improvement in families to function in more constructive ways. We also have partnerships with other professionals who operate in areas that impact daily life. These professionals provide training programs in financial, occupational, and social skills that will help our clients succeed.


An intensive is an opportunity to spend extensive, focused time with your coach/counselor and apply a concentrated effort to the issues at hand. An intensive is at a minimum of three hours and can be simply “all day.” We have seen great benefits come from an intensive session with families and couples because the work is uninterrupted at key moments of disclosure or repair.  The time is not constricted or confined which allows the coach or therapist the freedom to explore difficult topics and interventions without the progress inhibitions of time limits.


The Resolution Center of Jacksonville is also a place where various support groups meet. The group topics include, but are not limited to specific addictive behaviors, grief, children of divorce, divorce, anxiety, infidelity, sex addiction, and alienated parents. Our group schedule/availability and leader contact information is a phone call away. Call the office for current groups and meeting times. Anyone wishing to start or host a group can contact us for more information on utilizing our facility.


Parent/child relationships can become severed or tangled for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is a result of Parental Alienation, other times it is born out of dysfunctional relationships. This program is intended to rebuild broken relationships to the best that they can be.

Intensive and off site reunification is 3 – 5 days of therapeutic interventions combined with activities to kick start the reunification process. If there has been an extended period of separation, this provides opportunity to get the support needed for the relationship, but also provides a buffering layer for the parent and child because there is a professional there to support the participants and mitigate conflicts.

This service can be court ordered. We have forms for the court, please call for assistance.

court related services


Parent/child relationships can become severed or tangled for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is a result of Parental Alienation, other times it is born out of dysfunctional relationships. This program is intended to rebuild broken relationships to the best that they can be.
Intensive and off site reunification is 3 – 5 days of therapeutic interventions combined with activities to kick start the reunification process. If there has been an extended period of separation, this provides opportunity to get the support needed for the relationship, but also provides a buffering layer for the parent and child because there is a professional there to support the participants and mitigate conflicts.


During the dissolution process, paternity suits, or severe disputes over custodial issues, especially in cases where allegations of abuse, neglect, or incompetence exist, A GAL or SI may be utilized to help the court determine the best interests of the child. GALs have access to ALL information and resources to help in the discerning of the true state of affairs from all angles, as well as considering the wishes of the child.


Parent coordination is often court ordered for parents in high conflict, this service is designed to minimize the negative impact of reactive communication and impulses between parents on the children involved. The goal is to utilize interventions to reduce the intensity and frequency of disputes and educate parents until they are better equipped to manage on their own. The parent coordinator helps enforce the final judgment, implement visitation, arbitrate disputes concerning the children, and provide support for the children themselves. An aspect of this service may include a counselor or staff member acting as a Guardian Ad Litem for the children.

Cooperative Dissolution

For a couple that is considering dissolution of the marriage, this opportunity provides a way to reach a resolution without the expense and extended period of time that comes when utilizing the court system. Pro Se Mediation assists couples in filling out all forms, negotiating a settlement agreement, and providing all the tools necessary to file for dissolution of marriage without attorneys or extensive court appearances; resulting in minimized costs associated with a litigated divorce. Clients may review the list of associated partners and services and choose those that are needed and desired for their family. Services include financial planning, counseling/coaching, estate planning, legal (not representation, but advising and review), insurance needs and other services to address the needs of major life transitions. There is a minimum service fee.


Supervised visitation may be required by the court in cases of abuse allegations or the reintegration of a parent into a child’s life. The purpose is to provide a safe space for the child to continue relationship and connection with a parent until such time as the court determines visitation can continue unsupervised. There are two types of supervised visitation. The first is simply to provide a space for interaction with a party present to bear witness to and provide safety for the children. The supervisor is not interactive unless there is something deemed unsafe or inappropriate taking place. The second is ‘Therapeutic Supervised Visitation’and is interactive and designed to help parents improve parenting skills and learn more effective relational competencies. The supervisor will answer questions, intervene with suggestions, and guide the parent through the visitation, as needed. After the visitation period, the supervisor will debrief with the parent to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the visit, as well as set goals for the next session.

There are several space options that offer flexibility in activity and levels of privacy. TRC has two separate entrances so injunctions or other related safety issues can be maintained.

In cases where a safe timeshare transition space is needed, TRC is ideal. With the separate entrances and the aid of TRC employees to monitor the exchange the atmosphere of safety can help to set the tone for a peaceful transition.

Hours extend beyond 9-5 to provide options for working parents and those who have parenting agreements that require evening or weekend exchanges.

Area of


  • Relationship Dynamic Improvement
  • Family Court/GAL/Social Investigations
  • Parental Alienation Evaluations
  • Reunification Interventions
  • Sibling conflict
  • Communication Improvement
  • Parenting Education and support
  • Co-parenting education
  • Parent Coordination
  • Safe Time-sharing Transition Space
  • Supervised Visitation


  • Pre-marital
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Infidelity
  • Social Media
  • Marital discord/separation/divorce
  • Discernment counseling
  • Relationship skills
  • Sexual Issues
  • Communication & Conflict


  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Relationship skills
  • Addictive personality
  • Social Awkwardness